Click on report title to view in browser The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on SRHR Beneficiaries in Ghana – Students’ Beneficiaries Baseline Findings From 10 Communities In The Agona East And West Districts In Central Region Of Ghana Assessing the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in Accra and Kumasi COMBAT: A rural response to preventing violence against women and girls School-Based Sexual Violence in Ghana Report of a National Study School Based Sexual Violence Policy Brief 2019 The Nkyinkim Anti-Violence Programme, Ghana Baseline Report _ Transforming Gender Social Norms and End Violence against Women and Girls in the Rural Communities in Ghana. Evidence Brief_ Assessing the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in Accra and Kumasi Impact Assessment of the COMBAT Intervention to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls in Four Districts, Central Region of Ghana The Rural Response Intervention to Prevent VAWG in 4 districts Central Region of Ghana